Vision and its Relevance to Tragedy, this goes into the heros journey, the Appollonian and Dionysiac worlds, and how it relates to commonly read novels.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Tragedy is a word most often used out of context. Few are probably able to completely comprehend the full capacity of the word, and therefore throw it around like it is a common occurrence. Horrible things happen in life, millions are murdered, lose loved ones, lose homes, yet all of these things combined can scarcely begin to describe the so abused word. In order to begin analysis of the word, one must first understand man, …

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…Steven King, (quote from class notes) T.H. White, p. 425. T.H. White, p. 638. T.H. White, p. 639. Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, (Wordsworth Editions Limited, Great Britain, 1993) p. 23. Charles Dickens, Hard Times, (Bantom Books, New York, 1981) p. 201. William Shakespeare, The Complete Works, Macbeth, (Dorset Press, New York, 1988) I.v.32-35,49. Shakespeare, Macbeth, II.ii.59-60. Louis B, Wright ed., Hamlet, (Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, 1958) I.ii.46. Wright ed., III.i.64, 68-69.