Virgil portrays Aeneas as a Trojan hero,

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Virgil portrays Aeneas as a Trojan hero, a warrior who will lead his people to safety, found a new Trojan state, and establish order in his and his countryman's lives. Aeneas is the embodiment of Roman virtues: He is the dutiful servant of fate and of the gods, he is an exemplary leader of his people, and he is a devoted father and son. I disagree with the question because Aeneas has demonstrated appropriate pietas …

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…exhibits his confidence as a leader by saying all the right things at the right time. When the Trojans reach Lavinia, Aeneas continues to act as the good ruler. He sends gifts to Latinus and makes plans for a new orderly city. Virgil portrays Aeneas and his people as peaceful. Throughout the Aeneid, we see Aeneas as a sensitive, compassionate man. He is sympathetic and loving towards his people. Aeneas exhibits deep feelings for humanity.