Violence in the media - A paper on the issue of violence and censorship in the media.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
A popular perception is that media violence affects the individual's behavior, causing them to become more aggressive and hostile. Some parents' groups, psychologists, religious organizations, or politicians are criticizing video games in the media for the level of violence, cruelty, and crime. If parents would just be less inactive in what they watch and play this wouldn't be a problem. Violence in the media would only cause a small amount of influence to children's violent …

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…mature for 17 and up, and adult only for 18 and up. Violent effects of the media have been over exaggerated. If parents would just be more active with their child and use the censorship programs more carefully like the V-chip, plus read the movie and video game ratings and enforce them then children would be more protected and never be picking up any violent acts and emotions. Some things are for children and some are not.