Violence in the Media

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
In the world we live in, violence is a way of life for many people. Chances are, most of the people reading this live in nice, upper-middle class suburbs, just like I do. But, just because we don't see this violence doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We all know it happens, we're not stupid, we watch the news, we read the newspaper. So why does the government try to censor violence? Why does the government …

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…in the media, you're going to want it in real life. If you can't get it there, some psychopaths are going to rape poor, defenseless people. That creates a lot more problems than it solves, not to mention that rape is hell of a lot worse then a minor watching Striptease. The same holds true for violence. Crazy people will always do crazy things, and there is nothing the government can do to stop it.