Violence in 'Romeo and Juliet', Shakespeare.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
"Romeo and Juliet" is one of the most famous plays written by Shakespeare. Under the essential elements, the character, plot, theme, there are a lot of special, unique ideas make the story stand out amongst others. In 'Romeo and Juliet', violence is one of the key ideas that link every incident together. It pushes the story forward and makes things happen. Shakespeare produces visions of violence in nearly every scene, every moment of the play. …

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…pushed down by love. The two families in the end had love for each other and agreed to stop the fighting. Although it was violence that started the love here, the love stops the violence. Violence does make the play bloody, but it adds on so much to it that is essential to the whole structure. Shakespeare understands the importance of violence and so makes it stand out among the other themes in the play.