Violence in Film

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Cinematic violence has been in films since the start of movie making. From John Houston's depiction of men at war with The Battle of San Pietro, to the hardships teenagers face growing up portrayed in the film, Boyz in the Hood, violence has always been present in film in one form or another. Graphic violence has become as important to film as the happy ending. Throughout time filmmakers have made extreme statements about our society …

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…a film that for the most part tells the truth, whether it be about war, street life, or demonic possession for that matter. The truth sometimes hurts, and as long as there are filmmakers and film to use, there will be things about the films they make that people won't like. But most people appear to be thankful for the realities, and fantasies, that filmmakers allow us to have a "peek" at without being harmed.