Violence in America.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Why do human beings kill other human beings? Everywhere you look today, you find some sort of violence in your everyday activities. Television shows, video games, movies, books, and toys show killing as a game, rather the extreme tragedy of one human being losing their life. The first major theme in Barbara Kingsolver's article is that killing is an extreme action toward another person, and should not be look at as a joke. Violence occurs …

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…at an early age, and America sees no problem with that. Barbara Kingsolver's article flowed when I first read it. She did an excellent job with her usage of allusions to get her point across. Also, Kingsolver asked several questions to the readers, making the readers think about the question asked. After reading the piece, it made me realize how much violence there is in the world, and how we need to stop the violence.