Vincent Van Gogh's Mental Illness Reflected in his self portraits

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
#1. On a beautiful summer day in July 1890 Vincent van Gogh, now recognized as one of the world's most gifted painters, went down into the open country of Auvers, France and shot himself in the heart with a revolver (Martini 3). The man who is now known throughout the world for his revolutionary artistic talent died in his brother Theo's arms, little known or appreciated in his own time (Barnes 17). Van Gogh's suicide marked the end of …

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…died with barely enough to bury his own body. In modern times, society is still burdened by individuals seeking to get rich quick. Names such as Marty Frankel and Robert Rooney, with their modern form of the Ponzi scheme, have appeared in the news. Although modern con-artists may enjoy the short success Ponzi did, none may ever possess the charm, the demeanor, or the ability to touch the hearts of individuals intended to be swindled.