"Village of a million spirit"s by MacMillan.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Central Truth The central truth of this novel is simply the importance of survival and what individuals must go through in order to achieve it. People must survive in order to carry on the message of the ones that have perished. Even if in the end only one survived, this would be enough to pass on the message of the horror that millions have endured. "Tadeusz Chmielewski was the first person I told about Treblinka...…

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…I wish I could answer. However, these are the types of elements that captures the readers attention and gives them an realistic understanding of what could have transpired in a concentration camp. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is remotely uncertain of the pain and agony and loss that millions of Jews had suffered and still do today. There's no doubt that the author did his research before writing this extraordinary literary piece.