Viking Influence on English

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Invasions and conquests were quite common during the first millennium AD in Britain (Baugh 76). From the ninth century the Vikings came to England invading from every corner of the secluded island of Britain, changing the English language forever. The invasions were led by both the Danes, in the North, and the Norwegians, in the south. Some people do not consider these raids of any importance, but in fact without these invasions the English language would …

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…changed the grammatical and lingual uses of more than sixty-five percent of Old English vocabulary. The Vikings have played a huge role in the development of the English language, but yet is regarded. This is brought about because the Vikings are usually thought of as pirating scavengers known mainly for their raids, and disregarded as a culture of intelligence and an individual culture different from any that would ever be seen in the English language.