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Essay Database > Literature > English
Eric Niedomys Modern American 10/29/00 Barbara Kingsolver VIEWS IN WRITING Barbara Kingsolvers view of American society comes out very strong in her writing. She views different things in society in a new way. She sees many different ideas in the way that life should be like. Some of the views that she sees in different and new ways are her opinions on the typical family, Immigration, and Religion. Her writing reflects very much on how she …

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…show how god is see everyday in the oddest places. Kingsolver is a literary genius. She takes her views on life and incorporates them into her writings. She needs to find a way to express herself and her political views. This is why she picked writing. When people read her work they find that she is an extremely liberal person that believes strongly in people working to create a better more diverse society. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**