Vietnam's History till 1954

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Vietnamese history begins in 208 B.C. with the breaking of a small region of southern China by the Chinese warlord Trieu Da. Trieu Da broke away from the Chinese Ch'in emperor and expanded his territory as far south as present day Danang. This land became known as Nam Viet meaning 'land of the Southern Viets'. From this time Nam Viet was a self- governed province within the Chinese empire, with Trieu Da's lords watching over …

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…leaders from Quang Trung to the nucleus of Giap and Ho of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam they were able to push away the Chinese, French, the Japanese and again the French with strong American presence. Never relinquishing, Vietnam's nationalistic and patriotic history for the survival and well being if its country during the events leading up to 1954 can be attributed by foreign interests of colonialization in Vietnam, in addition to American global anti-Communist sentiments.