Vietnamization and its Effects-

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Vietnamization and its Effects- Vietnamization and it's Lasting Effects on South Vietnam and it's Fall Outline I. Background A. Introduction B. Vietnam -- two separate countries 1. French Control 2. Viet Minh Revolt 3. Creation of North and South Vietnam C. America's objectives in South Vietnam D. Vietnam's armies II. Vietnamization A. Beginnings of Vietnamization B. Research of possible withdrawal C. Decision to withdraw 1. began in early 1969 III. American Withdrawal and South Vietnamese Buildup A. Short history B. …

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…Center of Military History, 1981 MacDonald, Charles B.; Charles, von Luttichau V. P. The U.S. Army in Vietnam, Army Historical Series: Office of the Cheif of Military History, United States Army "Now, Trying to Pick Up the Pieces." Time, April 14, pp. 6 - 13 "Seeking the Last Exit from Viet Nam." Time, April 21, 1975, pp. 14 - 31 Vien, Cao Van. The Final Collapse, Center of Military History, U.S. Army, pp. 141 - 166 World Book Encyclopedia, 1967 ed. V - "Vietnam"