Vietnamese overseas workers in Taiwan.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
1. Taiwan foreign labor market Taiwan has started to import foreign labor since October 1989 when more and more Taiwanese workers shifted away from heavy work, low pay menial jobs. As a result, foreign labor from Thailand, Indonesia, Philippine and Malaysia are welcomed in manufacturing, construction and other home services like maids and care-givers. At the beginning, Taiwan employers had been in need of foreign manpower so much that they even paid for the air tickets among …

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…could save broker-fee paid to Vietnamese brokers while employers, under this "higher- price" effect, can recruit better employees, hence increase Vietnam's competitiveness to other labor exporters. The Council for Labor Affairs of Taiwan has decided lately to remove restrictions on foreign labor whereby Taiwanese small and medium sized enterprises are allowed more freedom to employ foreign workers. This is a promising signal for Vietnamese manpower exporters to further expand their overseas labor market in Taiwan.