Vietnamese Culture

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Vietnamese Culture Thesis Statement: The Vietnamese culture, a rich heritage on many different levels. Through exploring its religion, population, language, education, government, art and economics, an appreciation can be developed for the important contributions Vietnamese people make in American society. The early inhabitants of the area were Negritos. Some 4,000 years ago Austronesian (Indonesian) migrants from the north were moving into the area that is now North Vietnam. Later, Austro-Asiatic (Mon-Klimer and Maylayo-Polynesian) peoples arrived. Then, …

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…countries with its greed. But number one, there is very little money to be made in Vietnam, so there are few places to spend it. Number two, any affection for the West, meaning America, begins and ends with money. Because of what this country did to Vietnam during the war, no American subject is taught in Vietnamese History schools; relations between the two countries are strained and probably will remain so for years to come.