Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers: A Record of Public Deception

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
On June 13 1971, governmental accountability and the American people's faith in their government was lost as the New York Times published the "top secret - sensitive" Pentagon Papers. Commissioned by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and written by Daniel Ellsberg, this 7 000-page document outlines the American Involvement in Vietnam from the 1940's to the late 1960's. It included specific details on everything from the CIA's involvement in the early 1950's up to Nixon and Kissinger's discussions on …

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…Washington Post Company. October 11th, 2003. <> John P. Roche, Sentenced to Life: Reflections on Politics, Education and Law. New York: Macmillian Publishing Co., 1974 Wilbur H. Morrison, The Elephant and the Tiger: The Full Story of the Vietnam War. New York: Hippocrene Books, Inc., 1990 Anatomy of an Undeclared War: Congressmen and other Authorities Respond to the Pentagon Papers. International Universities Press, Inc. 1972