Vietnam War Affecting America

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Essay Database > History
"Vietnam is still with us. It has created doubts about American judgment, about American credibility, about American power--not only at home, but throughout the world. It has poisoned our domestic debate. So we paid an exorbitant price for the decisions that were made in good faith and for good purpose." At one point in time American troops were then given the "permit to use more active defense," and soon after, the number soared to 82,000 American …

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…him and failed. After he rang the bell asking for assistance, no one came to provide aid and the man died from convulsions. Just about 57 percent of all veterans entering the VA hospitals talk about suicide. A shocking 27 percent have even attempted it. The reasons were that they came back and found themselves facing the same problems they had to deal with in Vietnam and found the indifference of a country that didn't really care.