Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
The Vietnam War In 1954, America indirectly gave aid to French forces in Indochina and limited involvement with the Diem regime. Diem began to face growing internal opposition from communists to the north, and the U.S. found itself drawn deeper into what would be later known as the "quagmire." Diem was corrupt, autocratic, and aristocratic, and his government began to slip. Ho Chi Minh was unsatisfied with the partition between North and South Vietnam. By 1958, …

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…cancel his efforts to install his ideal of a Great Society in America. David Halberstam even argued that American advisors to the presidents were deluded by American dominance and superiority to dismiss information that would suggest that America was failing in its aims in Vietnam, and therefore prolonged American involvement in Vietnam. Obviously, this answer paints a less flattering picture of American intentions in Vietnam, that we wer! e imperialistic, arrogant, and selfish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**