Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
THE VIETNAM WAR The Vietnam War began in 1960 with the introduction of American troops into Vietnam. At this time my father was 7 years old and can not recall knowing much about the war. Australia fought in the Vietnam War from 1965 until 1972. At that time the war was being fought between the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong on one side and the Americans, Australians and South Vietnamese on the other. The North Vietnamese and the …

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…battle between communism and democracy Finally by 1971 all Australian troops brought home and by 1975 the USA pulled out of Vietnam, giving victory to their communist enemies, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese. My father was saddened by the loss of young Australian lives and still believes hat Australia should not have been involved in the conflict. The Vietnam War has influenced the thinking of many Australian's on the need to work towards a peaceful resolution.