Vietnam Post 1950

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Essay Database > History
Describe and assess the role of the USA in Indo-China in the period 1945-1954 In 1943 President Roosevelt suggested that Indochina come under the control of four powers after the war, proposing that the eventual independence of the Indochinese might follow in twenty to thirty years time. No one knew whether the policy would require American troops, but America was firm on the fact that independence could not be taken by the Vietnamese, but would be …

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…to the war, and such power as the Americans had would not be useful in what ultimately had to be a land war if they could hope for victory. Bibliography (1) General Philip Gallagher to General R. B. McClure, 20 September 1945 (Department of State Report, Gallagher Papers). (2) Department of State, Research and Intelligence Service, Biographical Information on Prominent Nationalist Lead 6. (3) UK Documents Relating to British Involvement in the Indo-China Conflict, 1945-65, Cmd 2834 (London, 1965). (4) Ibid. p.405. . (5) Ibid. p.20850.