Vietnam Market Entry Decisions

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Does Vietnam represent an attractive investment opportunity? Absolutely; all of the factors are present to allow Vietnam to emerge as an "Asian Tiger": * Economic Growth. Vietnam has been enjoying robust economic growth due to economic reform, a growing GDP, an increase in private Vietnamese-owned organizations, as well as the momentum from the large number of emerging foreign joint ventures. * Increasing FDI. It is the consensus of many countries that Vietnam is proving to be an …

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…undoubtedly improve over time. In fact, development of roads and means of transportation may prove to be a lucrative emerging market for foreign firms. * Workforce. Vietnam's young and educated workforce will be an important factor in any MNC's success in Vietnam. MNC's must not only have workers for its factories and retail venues, but it will also have to have a local pool of management and leadership to maintain a strong position in the area.