Vietnam Letters - Fictional Writings of a Tunnel Rat

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Essay Database > History > World History
The following are a selection of letters written by Sergeant John (Fingers) Heart to his wife, family and friends. John served in the 1st Infantry in Vietnam and was a part of the special 'Tunnel Rat' squad set up by Captain Herbert Thornton, also of the 1st Infantry. Originally called "Tunnel Runners" by the 25th Infantry Division, and "Ferrets" by the Australian Army, the term "Tunnel Rat" soon became their official accepted name. The tunnel …

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…was due to go to Hawaii, Sergeant John (Fingers) Heart missed his first and only booby trap in the last tunnel he had to go down. Upon discovering a large storeroom with some of his squad, John spied a large chest which he opened exposing him to the bites of two deadly kraits. Medics did all they could to save him but it was too late. Sergeant Heart died at 2:35pm on the 16th February 1966