Videogames: The new Goliath of entertainment why are videogames such a success? *-escape *-challenge *-community *-emulation

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Videogames: The new Goliath of entertainment The first videogame ever was created by a physicist named Willy Higinbotham in 1958 (Herman et al.). Back then, Willy didn?t believe he had invented anything. Who would have known that what started as a little tennis game running on an oscilloscope would end up as a multibillion dollar industry on its way to generate more profits than cinema and television.? And this is just a start. The number …

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…new genre appears, more people become interested in this form of entertainment and many of them are progressively drawn to other existing genres and end up grossing the numbers of regular players. Give the people what they want is the unspoken motto of the gaming industry. The people are hearing the siren?s song, and each day, some of them take out the parsley from their ears and succumb to the charm of digital fantasy.