Video Games and Their Affects

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Video games have now been around for more than thirty years and have steadily improved in quality and availability, by technological advances. During the last several decades, electronic interactive games have become the most popular forms of entertainment, mainly among children and adolescents. With the introduction of the first widely available video game console in the 1980's "Nintendo", the gaming industry was taken by storm by the popularity and wide spread use of the "Nintendo" …

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…on the individual's cultural level. A person with a lower cultural level is more likely to express aggressiveness by physical force. Violent video games are considered to promote low culture but video games have now become a substitute for the lost physical activity in modern society, and without physical activity aggressiveness is not primarily carried over into the real world from video games, but there are exceptions, and some video game players do become brain-washed.