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Essay Database > Literature > English
Victory I was such a bitch to him, and, as always, he still continued to idolize to me. I never actually took the time to concentrate on how strong and horrible my brother could really be until one deadly night last year. My younger brother and I used to fight numerous times a day. Our combat would always consist of thrusting, kicking, crying, the slamming of doors, then me laughing at him, since I always …

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…myself, my brother punched me in the eye. I was dizzy and unaware, I felt over thrown and conquered! So, I did what any normal person would do, I ran for my life down the stairs, tripping at the last step. I surrendered and started to clean up the spagettios that were thrown on the newly cleaned tiled floor. This time my brother was the one laughing, this time it was his victory. He won.