Victorian Social Mores Of The Early Twentieth Century

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Essay Database > History
Social Mores Victorian social mores were originally strictly enforced, but as WWI developed, women began to reject the social mores to find work. Victorian social mores were paid less attention to by women in the years of the war, for women were needed to work and manufacture supplies for the war. As social mores were being questioned, women's organizations were making the situation worse for social mores by pushing for prohibition, the right to vote …

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…in production facilities and it became more acceptable for women to work regular jobs because of the need for manpower. An enormous influence upon the disregarding of these mores was female political organizations, which constantly prodded and pushed for such "unheard of" things as: women having the right to vote, the prohibition of alcohol and women's suffrage. The Victorian social mores were shunned and nearly forgotten after women finally got what they were after, respect.