Victims of September 11

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Essay Database > History
The Greek approach to tragedy Helena Smith in Athens explores why the Greeks seem to have little sympathy for post-attack America Helena Smith in Athens Guardian Unlimited Tuesday September 25, 2001 In the birthplace of democracy, the right to demonstrate is viewed as a hallowed tradition. In the wake of the assault on America, the Greeks have been living up to that time-honoured practice with outbursts of anti-Americanism by protestors who chant that Uncle Sam had it …

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…ington now exerting "unbearable" pressure to root out November 17, analysts say. With many now questioning Athens' ability to hold a peaceful Olympic games in 2004, Greek security measures are expected to come under close scrutiny in the coming years. Highlighting the concern, Jaques Rogges, the recently-elected president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) arrived in the Greek capital last night to discuss ways of how best to bolster security during the world's most cherished sporting event.