Victims of Crime

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Battered Woman Syndrome and Criminal Law <Tab/>Criminal law in America has failed to provide a defense that adequately protects women who suffer from Battered Women's Syndrome. Battered Women's Syndrome, or BWS, has caused great debate on whether or not it should be allowed in the courtroom. It is a very complex psychological problem facing criminal courts today. Although the syndrome has been given more consideration, as a warranted issue …

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…Model of Self-defense for the Battered Women." Pgs. 1-16. 3-5-99. Hilton, N Zoe, ed. Legal Responses to Wife Assault: Current Trends and Evaluations. Newbury Park: SAGE Pub. Inc. 1993. State v. Thomas. Case No. 95-1837-95- 1938. OH. Super. Ct. 1997. Lexis-Nexis. State v. VanSickle. Case No. 94APA12- 1728. OH. App. Ct. 10th dist. 1995. Lexis-Nexis. State v. Williams. Case No. 66669. OH. App. Ct. 8th dist. 1995. Lexis-Nexis.