"Vendetta" and "The Schoolteachers Guest"

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Essay Database > Literature
How do the writers show the cultural and personal forces that leas the characters to taking their revenge? In both "Vendetta" and "The Schoolteachers Guest", both stories show that the cultural forces did lead to them taking their revenge, in the most different ways possible, this being affected by their culture and communities as both stories were set in different time scales and different surroundings, vendetta being set in Italy in the 1900's and the …

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…their own good. Both women did get that little bit of satisfaction as they took their revenge, Ines had finally killed the person who had shot her son, and she had killed him in the sense that it was meant to be and it was payback. And the widow Saverini's satisfaction was that she got to fulfil that promise she made to her dying son and she had also finally when getting home "slept well".