Vaudeville About vaudeville and it's history of how it was made and such

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
American Vaudeville <Tab/>Some may ask what Vaudeville is, as for me I didn't know the word even existed. It is sort of a variety show with many different acts seeded within it. The American Vaudeville Theatre was one of the most prominent Vaudevilles because since August 1996, the American Vaudeville Theatre has presented hundreds of top flight variety artists which have entertained the audiences to the very last moment of each …

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…has molded American society and the custom ways of life. Its impact hit America fast and hard and will not be forgotten anytime soon. Because of Vaudevilles the world got a small taste of all the special talented performers in one evening. This was a very special method of helping civilians enjoy pleasure and also learn about different customs. Vaudeville will always be remembered in American history as the Variety Show that rocked the world.