Validity of History.

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Essay Database > History
Jane Tompkins, author of "'Indians': Textualism, Morality, and Problem of History," questions the validity of every history book and most facts that have been written. She first writes her perspective as a small child and her own young understanding of American Indians. She imagines herself as an Indian playing in the caves that is the pleasurable perspective of an Indian. When her parents took her to meet real Indians, it "was always a disappointment" ( 718) for …

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…to find conflict and then draw your own big picture. Two, before placing a judgment, experience the people to the best of your ability and draw as accurate a record as possible. These two things will help ensure a future history that draws as accurately as possible a record of any said event, person or "reality". Work cited Bartholomae, David, Perosky Anthony: Ways of Reading an Anthology for Writers. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/ST. Martin's, 2002.