Valentines Day

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Well, its that time of year again..... Valentines bloody day. I don't know how I control myself from the immense excitement. Please note the complete and utter sarcasm hidden in the latter statement. What a load of crap. Valentines day is one great big facade. If there was ever an occasion during the year that appears overwhelmingly pleasant, yet in actual fact just a sordid excuse for a day, it would be Valentines day. And …

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…but true. Lastly there is also a hidden goal out there too. This goal is for the single people of the world. This goal is to portray a constant commercial reminder from all the coupled people to the single society that they are in fact unattached and unloved. In other words, a glorious opportunity to rub about 10 kg of salt into our already painful wounds. So,there you have it... Valentines Day according to me.