Utilitarianism applied to post war Iraq.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Utilitarianism provides us with a moral basis for judging actions, in promoting the idea that what is good is that which provides us the greatest good or happiness for the greatest number. In this essay, I will apply the moral system of utilitarianism towards the situation of post-war Iraq, and suggest a solution to the problems that face the region. Before we seek to apply moral utilitarianism to the political situation of post-war Iraq, we …

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…is certainly an admirable one, and is quite moral from the utilitarian approach. Yet half the task is yet to be done - "reconstruction" of Iraq is not conductive to moral utilitarianism, as this would inevitably collapse into a struggle between the three ethnic groups for power - the Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis must be liberated from each other, if the greatest good for then greatest number - and freedom - is to be achieved.