Utilitarianism Chp. 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Utilitarianism Chp. 2 What Utilitarianism Is To explain utilitarianism, Mill begins by pointing out two common mistakes those who oppose utilitarianism believe to be true about it. The first common misconception that the opposers believe is that, when they hear the term 'utility' as a test for right and wrong, they often think of it as being the opposite of pleasure. The second misconception Mill wrote about is that the term utilitarian is perverted because of …

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…call it. The only drawback in utilitarianism is not the creed by which they live but in the humanity of individuals since man is not without faults. While the creed is based on moral actions, it has no control over an individual and what he may or may not do. Every individual will have his or her own interpretations of the doctrine based on the moral standard, which he has posed upon himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**