Using sociological concepts and terminology explain how Jess and her family's lives from the film Bend It Like Beckham are affected by their cultural identity

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Jessminder is a teenage girl who has just finished her A levels. She also happens to be part of a traditional Sikh family living in London. Her family is made up of her, her mother and father, and her sister Pinki. She is particularly skilled at football, and has high hopes for a future as a professional footballer, possibly even in America. Her ambitions conflict with her family's expectations of her however, as they want …

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…food (which she was taught how to cook), and to study hard (education being highly valued). As well as this, her parents still fit the family norms (father goes to work, mother minds the house and family, older sister is married to a nice Sikh boy), and other Sikhs opinions of them within their community are still very important (for example Jess not wanting to tell them about seeing her non-Sikh football coach just yet).