Using Databases to Prevent Crime

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Senate Judiciary Committee will examine proposed Justice Department guidelines that would give federal investigators new license to mine publicly available databases and monitor Web use. Since Sept. 11, Congress has enacted legislation that greatly expands law enforcement's ability to monitor communications through the so-called Patriot Act. America's allies have also sought to bolster laws aimed at aiding investigators, with the European Parliament last week approving guidelines that would force Internet companies to preserve data about …

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…a database company or an Internet service provider, via methods including subpoenas. Meanwhile, those who compile databases are grappling with the plan, wondering if they're going to be forced into the role of skippers on new FBI fishing expeditions. Furthermore, previous attempts to tie databases to crime have often failed, underscoring the risks of relying on technology as a cop. That's not to say that technology can't play an important part in nabbing suspected terrorists.