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Essay Database > Literature > English
How can Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" be used to help understand "Euthyphro?" I chose this form of the question assuming the shorter story would help unlock the lengthier one. Normally an allegory is filled with symbols that have meaning on a higher level, so despite its shortness may be more complex. However, after Socrates tells his story about the prisoner in the cave, he is helpful enough to explain how we should interpret the …

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…business with one another," and asks what benefit the gods get from gifts. Euthyphro answers that they are pleased, not benefited. Now we return to two earlier definitions, that "piety is that which is dear to the gods." At this point, Euthyphro finds an excuse to leave, and the discussion ends. Acknowledgment of ignorance is seems to be the goal in Euthyphro, maybe to clear the mind for higher knowledge. Who knows, maybe Euthyphro did?