Use of Blood Imagery in Macbeth

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
William Shakespeare uses many techniques to liven the intensity, and the excitement in his plays. In the play of MacBeth, Shakespeare uses blood imagery to add a sense of fear, guilt, shame, insanity, and anger to the atmosphere. The use of blood imagery allows the audience to vision in their minds the crime scene where Duncan was murdered, as well as the scene where Lady MacBeth tries to cope with the consequences of her actions. …

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…evidence, the blood that has stained her hands, that could hold her guilty for the death of Duncan. MacBeth also loses his mind for a while but not as severely as his wife. The use of blood imagery gives the reader some insight of what is going on the play. The talk of both death and blood had a great impact on the strength and effectiveness on all the blood imagery used in the play.