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Essay Database > History
As United States was entering the new century (1900) there had been many changes to the States. The industrial expansion was bringing many immigrants to America. Many of these immigrants were moving to the new big cities to be with their own people, and to work at the factories. Among other changes America was becoming an urban society, instead of a rural society, as many youths from the farms were also being drawn to the cities. …

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…emerge and come to their aid and help make changes in the law. Though America tries to stay out of foreign policies she is trust into world affairs with the need for new markets and raw good from foreign countries. The new century will be the dawning of a new era for America. Works Cited Tindall, George B., and David E. Shi. America: A Narrative History, Volume 2. 5th ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999