Urban Segregation

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Essay Database > History
Segregation In Urban Areas Since urbanization began in European cities, there has always been segregation, either by class, socio-economic status, political affiliation, etc. In modern American cities stratification is most heavily linked to class or race. There are many reasons that segregation in cities take place, and we will explore the more prevalent ideas of social stratification. When urban centers in America were beginning to take shape, people moved in droves to these industrial metropolises …

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…class-system, keeping areas segregated. Different features such as status, economic clout, race and politics all play a role in the segregation of cities. Through history we can trace segregation in the early industrial cities due mostly to job opportunity, and can attribute the separation now to socio-economic class, advancements in travel, and the spreading of businesses to suburban areas. No longer are people restricted to stay near inner cities, however, there are many that do.