Urban Legends.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Claim 1: Supposedly a woman in California owned a small dog. She washed the dog one day and tried to dry it in a microwave oven. The dog exploded from this treatment. Claim 2: A girl went to Taco Bell and ordered a chicken burrito. She was in a hurry and ate the burrito in her car while driving home. The next day her mouth was swollen. She went to the doctor, took some tests and found …

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…be his blind date's father( Mikkelson 1). Obviously, this legend is full of humor not guts and gore. In conclusion, urban legends are popular, captivating stories. They are passed on mostly for entertainment purposes. Many different types of people pass them on, as an example, an entertainer or a skeptic. People like to believe urban legends because they help explain the unknown. The pervious stories have been proven false although, one can never be so sure.