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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Uranium was first discovered by Martin Klaproth in 1789. Although he discovered it in a compound, he named it Uranium after the planet Uranus. It was later found in its pure form by Eugene Peligot in 1841. It can be found in ores of pitchblende, carnote, and torbernite. With an atomic number of 92 and an atomic weight of 238.0289 grams and a density of 18.7,which is 19 times heavier than water, uranium is the heaviest natural element. It can …

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…used as nuclear fuel in 1942. It's used to make plutonium, which has been used in nuclear weapons, such as the atomic bomb and other warheads. It is used in the making of special chemicals and electonic parts. Also small amounts of uranium are used to produce radioactive isotopes that are used in the medical, industrial, and research fields. Sources www.webelements.com www.xrefer.com www.uic.com.au/uran.htm Grollier Inc., Dansbury,Connecticut