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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Uranium is a chemically radioactive metallic element that is the main fuel used in nuclear reactors. As a member of the actinide series it is, one in a series of fifteen elements being in the first four of this group it has been found in nature in appreciable amounts. The atomic number of Uranium is ninety-two.
Uranium was discovered in 1789 in pitchblende by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who named the chemical after
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uranium ore, are found mostly in canada, the Dominican Republic of the congo, and the United States. Most uranium mined in the United States is obtained from carnotite found in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming. A mineral called coffinite was found in Colorado in 1955 which contains 61 percent uranium. In 1990, U.S. production of pure uranium concentrate was aproximately 3417 metric tons, Canadian production was about 8729 tons; world production of uranium totaled about 29,100 metric tons.
uranium ore, are found mostly in canada, the Dominican Republic of the congo, and the United States. Most uranium mined in the United States is obtained from carnotite found in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming. A mineral called coffinite was found in Colorado in 1955 which contains 61 percent uranium. In 1990, U.S. production of pure uranium concentrate was aproximately 3417 metric tons, Canadian production was about 8729 tons; world production of uranium totaled about 29,100 metric tons.