Uprooted 2nd Edition by Oscar Handlin

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Urban America History 11/1/2004 <Tab/>Oscar Handlin. The Uprooted. 2nd Edition <Tab/><Tab/>Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002. <Tab/> Oscar Handlin, the author of the Uprooted, reveals common experiences of the millions of European immigrants who came to America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-their fears, their hopes, their expectations. Which the author explains, and what was happening …

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…of the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century had to go through. Not only did Oscar Handlin publish the book in 1951, he also revised his book and gave a later explanation of why he did it, and revealed new information that was recently discovered during the immigration movement during the era that the author wrote about. Needs to work on grammer, and the teacher wrote - should not have directly quited from the book