Unseen Intentions (a creative peace about problems teenagers go through, has a VERY twisted ending)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
"Cheerful stuff on the news these days," my dad commented as I walked past him. He was sitting on the couch in front of the TV, watching the 7:30 news. I walked over to him and watched over his shoulder. He was eating curry, and a beer was held in his left hand. Normally I would have looked for an excuse to argue, but he was right. The story was an in-depth look at a 16-year-old …

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…me. My eyes were seeing stars, and still I could not breathe. I tried in vain to punch her, but my arms felt weak and helpless. Too late, much too late, I realized that she was not getting stalked by a serial killer: she was the serial killer. The last thing seen by Stephen Cunningham was the beautiful face of Ellie as she throttled him to death, digging her angelically painted fingernails into his flesh.