Unpoisoned Minds

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Unpoisoned minds are people who are safe in the care of others. Safe in the group mind. Safe from the poison of independence. Safe from the poison of the truth of who they are, or who they could be. Safe from reality. They are the manipulator, the blind defender, the denier. Those so insecure their only method of raising their self-esteem a notch is finding someone submissive enough to take their petty abuses. They are …

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…can't handle competition, as it only shows their weaknesses - real or imagined. They would rather call the game, even if the game is life, silly, than compete. They can't handle making a mistake, even if it's a simple one which would further their learning. Anyone pointing out a mistake, is criticizing/bashing them. If you had one of each type of person, and put them together, it still wouldn't make a whole human being.