Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Air Power will take a new form in the use of UAVs. They will change lives, save lives, and reduce costs. Airplanes have increasingly become a major part of humanities since the Great War (World War I), being able to go faster than the speed of sound, carry tons of items, they are equipped with major electronic systems, and can perform more acrobatics than the human body can withstand. But one …

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…future of aeronautical engineering, and aeronautical combat. The Industrial Revolution provided rifles and cannons with lethal range that began separating fighting forces away from hand-to-hand combat. The Information Revolution still in its infancy continues this trend, providing intercontinental ranged aircraft, missiles, and precision guided munitions. It will be interesting to observe during this Information Revolution millennium how the military and business will expand the role of UAVs into other manned domains of employing air power.