Universal Health Care

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Essay Database > History
Since the subject of universal healthcare became the rally point for big government ideologues during the Clinton administration, the subject has been alternately pushed onto the media front pages and then allowed to suffer from lack of adequate medical attention required to keep it alive. While the idea resounds in the desires of the American public, the reality of how to fund such an expansion of government entitlement programs remains elusive. The idea sounds great …

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…universal health care. University Wire. 27 November. Anand, Amit 2000. Ex-Surgeon General Koop calls for universal care. University Wire, 14 April. Gordon, Suzanne. 2000. Humanized Healthcare. The Nation, 21 February, vol 270. pp 16. Sappenfield, Mark. 2002. More states flirt with universal healthcare. , The Christian Science Monitor, 16 December: 2. MEDICAL STUDENTS RALLY FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE COVERAGE; REPS. MCDERMOTT, KUCINICH, JACKSON, JR. TO ADDRESS STUDENTS ON CAPITAL HILL. 2003. US Newswire, 17 March. Brown, Barry. 2002. Canadian provinces move toward privatizing healthcare. , The Christian Science Monitor, 28 February: 7.