Unity is Strength(Grapes of Wrath)

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Essay Database > Literature > English
John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wraith is "the epic story of the Joad family's migration from the Oklahoma Dust Bowl to the Promised Land of California." The novel has many twists and turns that end up in themes. "Us people got to stick together to get by these hard times " is a quote by Dorothea Lange, from the novel The Bitter Years, which is a photographic essay about the Depression. This quote happens to …

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…as a community to achieve a better or a higher goal is the solution to the problem of the depression. And having a right as a people, makes them equal to the Californians (no offense intended). So the novel and an essay have the same meaning in a bigger sense. People got to stick together like quotes say, "two is better then one". So in general these quotations show the true idea behind the book.