United States Policies toward the Sioux Indian Nation.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The new Americans who settled the "new world" took control of their own destiny and prevented conquest by British, French, Spanish, or other world empires. Then, at the same time, these same people took the destiny of Native Americans into their own hands also. These Native Americans were cheated out of their lands and sneakily "rubbed out" by force, religion, and money. They were put on reservations to live out the rest of their lives …

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…treaty violation and unjust persecution were to occur today that it would not be tolerated. The hypocrisy and corruption that existed in the government of that day may never be matched again. Works Cited Neihardt, John G. Black Elk Speaks. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1932. Indian Treaties and Affairs. 5 Mar. 2003 http://www.sunnetworks.net/ Native American Tribes, Interesting Facts & Legends from the Sioux (First Part). 5 Mar. 2003 http://www.geocities.com/willow1d/factsiou1.html